Carolina is a New York based textile/fashion artist and we met at the Artivive Art Summit back in september 2022. At that time she studied at Parsons, MFA and asked me to make augmented reality animations for her graduation work 'EMBRYO'. I am very excited about this! I think she is a highly talented and characteristic artist and our collaboration was lots of fun. After her graduation exhibition in July 2023, EMBRYO got selected for another exhibition in New York at Lines in August 2023. In October 2023 EMBRYO has been showcased at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven (NL)! We continue working together, our new work has been showcased at Fine art, hempstead house in february 2024 and 2025.
Bio Carolina
Introducing myself is perpetually difficult. I am one of the odd, rootless people of a new generation: my mother grew up in Brazil, my father in Austria, and I, around the world. My if-somewhat-fragmented cultural experiences have been a true blessing, revealing different facets of humanities subjects, music, and hands-on creativity.
Someplace between fashion, textiles, and art, I collect ideas from my surroundings and lived experiences. Exposed to many languages throughout my upbringing, I gravitate towards translating these ideas into knits as an expression of binary code. Using these approaches, I embrace critical design, questioning digital societal structures and human-material relationships.
The digital realm is evolving and expanding exponentially. The world as we once knew it has changed, for better or worse. We find ourselves increasingly split at the precipice between physical and virtual dimensions. Considering what it means to be hooked into our many flat-screened devices – translating, encoding, and imprinting ourselves into these synthetic spaces – EMBRYØ dissects today’s divided yet oddly interwoven human.
In this circuit of five terminals, each is fitted with a respective emblematic critter and a primary cable plug. These are knitted in twisted stitches of binary code. When plugged in, the cords connect to a central being. When activated via AR (Augmented Reality), the pieces come to life. Based on cold-blooded, egg-laying creatures, they warp the grids of their respective platonic geometries and resonate at different energetic frequencies of color. The gecko corresponds with the eight-faced octahedron, the silverfish with the twenty-faced icosahedron, the snake with the twelve-faced dodecahedron, the ant with the six-faced hexahedron (cube), and the dragon with the four-faced tetrahedron. EMBRYØ makes a return to original alchemical elements of the universe in an attempt to get a grasp on our new realities.

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